Welcome to TalentSum’s educational newsletter (and tool directory).

When I founded TalentSum back in 2017, my vision was clear: to help in-house teams modernize and optimize their talent acquisition strategies. The driving force was the need for more strategic and cost-effective solutions in a world where recruitment fees were skyrocketing. From my early career insights, it was evident that securing the right talent was the real competitive edge for any company, a task made challenging by the limited pool of suitable candidates.

As TalentSum has evolved, so has our approach. We've transitioned from traditional project-based consulting to becoming a trusted strategic learning partner for mid-market companies. We now lead with growing collection of free educational content, including articles, videos, work tips, and useful tools, all designed to empower in-house teams with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate today's complex job market and excel in talent acquisition and recruitment.

Our bespoke 360 diagnostic is tailored for businesses, including those facing challenges in their talent acquisition and recruitment operations. This diagnostic provides a solid foundation for strategic planning by identifying strengths and areas for growth, helping companies overcome obstacles in their talent strategies.

For companies ready to act on these insights, we offer Labs and Sprints. Labs are intense strategy and problem-solving sessions that help plot a strategic path or workshop and prototype solutions to complex business challenges. Sprints focus on quick implementation, moving from strategic plans to actionable steps in a matter of weeks. These services are data-driven, customized, and aimed at achieving quick, lasting results.

Our ongoing partnerships provide partner-level support to help build excellence in talent acquisition. This service is designed for talent and HR leaders seeking to optimize processes, pursue excellence, and enhance the skills necessary for a focused talent acquisition and recruitment function that drives business results.

At the core of TalentSum is a profound dedication to fundamentally transforming the way companies attract, engage, and develop talent. We're not just about making small adjustments; we're committed to pioneering substantial changes in your talent acquisition and recruitment strategies, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into your overarching business strategy and fostering a healthier organizational ecosystem.

Our partnership promise is rooted in forming lasting relationships with businesses, providing strategic guidance and support to navigate the complexities of talent acquisition. Our work fundamentally changes the DNA of your firm, enhancing company culture and fostering a more engaged and effective workforce. We are invested in your success and focused on delivering tailored solutions that drive long-term growth, resilience, and cultural transformation.

With TalentSum, you gain more than just a service provider; you gain a partner committed to your ongoing success and the continuous improvement of your talent acquisition strategies. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of today's job market with strategic talent acquisition tailored to your unique needs.

Thank you for your trust and partnership.

Warm regards,


Founder @ TalentSum